Sunday, March 15, 2009

How to become poor

10 ways to become (or stay) poor

1. Spend more than you make
Actually if you only do #1, you won’t have to worry about the other 9. This is the easiest way for anyone to become poor. It doesn’t matter if you make millions or hundreds each month, the same principle applies.

2. Lust after what you don’t have

3. Never give to anyone

4. Don’t pay attention to where you money goes

5. Get a loan for everything… cars, a new bedroom set, a vacation ***BONUS: use credit cards with a 25% interest rate!
6. Wait for the perfect time to start saving 7. Follow the crowd
8. Don’t worry about the little things, they don’t really add up 9. Invest your money in things that you know nothing about
10. Waste stuff - money, food, time.

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